Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time to put it all down!

This has been in the making for years. Facebook has only made me solidify that fact! I love to share about the insanities, the hystericals, the mundanes, the realities, the smellies, and the overall blessings of my day to day life. What can you expect from this? Only time will tell! More details to my already long status updates? FOR SURE! Things you wish you might never want to know about me? Definitely! The raw unedited version of my heart and what God is filling it with? You can bet on it! Many typos sine I'll be typing in the dark at naptime? ALWAYS! To get your daily dose of laughter? CONSISTENTLY! Surprises? Every time! Confessions? Those too! A better understanding of what life is like in this brown house? YES! Do I hope you'll enjoy it? Most of the time, yes! And more emoticons and abbrev. than you can shake s stick at! Stay tuned.. as life, as usual, is being interrupted.. "Mom? MOM? MMMOOOMMMM?? KELLY?" I can either pretend I don't know her, or pull my big girl pants up and get with it! Stay tuned....